Sternoclavicular joint injury is quite rare and results from the direct or indirect force on the sternoclavicular joint. . The sternoclavicular joint is a plane synovial joint formed by the articulation of the sternum and the clavicle. Interestingly, it is the only bony joint that connects the axial with the appendicular skeleton. Sternoclavicular injuries are […]
Hand and Upper Limb
Charcot Joint Disease
Charcot joint or Charcot arthropathy is the name given to neuropathic joint disease is a condition that causes progressive destruction of bone and soft tissues of joints especially weight-bearing joints and may also cause disruption of the bony architecture. Charcot joint disease can occur at any joint but most commonly in the lower extremity, at […]
Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries and Their Treatment
Acromioclavicular joint injuries are also known as shoulder separations, acromioclavicular joint separation or acromioclavicular joint dislocation and occur as a result of downward force on the acromion. Acromioclavicular joint injuries occur most commonly in sporting activities. These are most commonly seen in young adults although an increasing trend is noted in children due to increased […]
Madelung Deformity Causes and Treatment
Madelung deformity is an abnormality of the wrist caused by a growth disturbance volar-ulnar distal radial physis that causes Partial deficiency of growth of distal radial physis Excessive radial inclination and volar tilt Ulnar carpal impaction The tilt in the distal radius is caused by inequality of growth. This leads to volar or palmar translation […]
Pediatric or Congenital Trigger Thumb
Congenital trigger thumb or pediatric trigger thumb as it is called now is a condition that results in abnormal flexion at the interphalangeal joint. That is why it also called flexion contracture of the thumb. It is a separate entity than the adult trigger thumb. This occurs due to thickening and constriction of fibrous tendon […]
Thumb Hypoplasia Types, Features and Treatment
The term thumb hypoplasia refers to underdeveloped thumb. The degree of thumb underdevelopment may vary. Thus, thumb hypoplasia refers to a spectrum of thumb underdevelopment which ranges from working small thumb to rudimentary or absent. Before we move further let us differentiate between different often used terms. Malformation means there is an abnormal formation of […]
Triphalangeal Thumb Presentation, Types and Treatment
The triphalangeal thumb is a congenital hand anomaly where the thumb has three phalanges instead of two. The middle phalanx is the extra one. In the normal human hand, the thumb has two phalanges. It is believed to be first described by Columbo in 1559. The triphalangeal thumb with full-length normal second phalanx and without […]
Ulnar Dimelia or Mirror Hand Syndrome
Ulnar dimelia is also called mirror hand syndrome. Ulnar dimelia is a congenital deformity where the radial ray, [the radius, scaphoid, trapezium, first metacarpal, and the phalanges of the thumb] are absent and there is a duplication of ulnar ray [una bone, carpal other than those in radial ray, metacarpal and phalanges of 2nd-5th finger]. […]
Congenital Dislocation of Radial Head
Congenital radial head dislocation is an unusual congenital dislocation in which there is dislocation of the radial head from its usual position. The direction of the displacement of the radial head may be anterior or posterior or lateral. Congenital radial head dislocation is a rare congenital abnormality of the elbow though statistically most common one. […]
Sprengel Deformity – Congenital High Scapula
Sprengel deformity is a congenital condition where the scapula is small and located higher than its normal position because of its failure to descend to its position. There could also be scapular winging and presence of omovertebral bone 30-50%]. Omovertebral bone is an anomalous bone connecting the elevated scapula to the cervical spine. It is […]