Jersey finger refers to the avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon off of its insertion at the volar aspect of the distal phalanx due to forced hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal joint. It is a type of zone I tendon injury. It is also called a sweater finger or rugby finger and typically occurs […]
Hand and Upper Limb
Jammed Finger Causes, Symptoms and Remedy
A jammed finger is a popularly used term that refers to injuries around the proximal interphalangeal joint of the fingers. The term is not specific to a single injury but rather describes a group of injuries that are related to varying degrees of loading across the proximal interphalangeal joint due to jamming of the finger […]
Martin Gruber Anastomosis and Its Significance
Martin Gruber Anastomosis is the anatomic variant of ulnar nerve innervation where there is an anomalous pattern of innervation occurring between the median and ulnar nerves in the forearm. The crossover usually occurs between axons from the anterior interosseous nerve to the ulnar nerve in the forearm. Rarely, the crossover can occur between the main […]
Ulnar Neuropathy [Compressive] – Causes and Treatment
Ulnar neuropathy refers to compression of the ulnar nerve, a continuation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus and a mixed nerve that supplies muscles of the forearm, and skin over medial part of hand and digits. Ulnar neuropathy is the second most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper limb. There are various sites […]
Mallet Finger Injury Presentation and Treatment
Mallet finger is a finger deformity caused by disruption of the extensor tendon mechanism distal to the distal interphalangeal joint caused by a bony or tendon injury It is a common injury and occurs as a workplace injury or in sports. It commonly occurs in young to middle-aged males. It is also seen in older […]
Galeazzi Fracture Presentation and Treatment
Galeazzi fracture-dislocations is a fracture of the distal third of the radius with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. The ulnar shaft is intact. A fracture of distal radius Galeazzi-equivalent fracture is a distal radial fracture with a distal ulnar physeal fracture 2. Most of these fractures are seen in children, with a peak incidence […]
Monteggia Fracture Causes, Types, Presentation and Treatment
Monteggia fracture-dislocations consist of a fracture of the proximal 1/3 of the ulnar shaft with concomitant dislocation/instability of the radial head. Often the ulnar fracture is obvious but radial head dislocation may be subtle and prone to be overlooked. Therefore high injury of suspicion is required for correct diagnosis and it is important to view […]
Ectrodactyly or Lobster Claw Hand (and Foot)
Ectrodactyly is a genetic disorder of skeletal anomaly resulting in the complete or partial absence of fingers or toes due to longitudinal deficiency. Webbing between fingers or toes (syndactyly) may occur giving hands and/or feet a claw-like appearance. The condition has a widely ranging severity and there are combinations of deformities that appear. The malformation […]
Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome Features and Treatment
Ulnar tunnel syndrome is neuropathy [disease or dysfunction of nerve] of the ulnar nerve caused by compression in Guyon’s canal or the ulnar canal or ulnar tunnel. Guyon’s canal is a longitudinal space in the wrist which allows passage of the ulnar artery and ulnar nerve into the hand. Guyon was a French Urologist who […]
Seymour Fracture – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
The Seymour fracture is a physeal fracture of the distal phalanx with associated nail bed injury. Often there is associated subluxation of the nail (ungual subluxation). It is a mallet finger type injury. It is estimated that 20-30% of phalangeal fractures involve the physis in children. Physeal injuries of the middle finger are most common. […]