Meniscal injuries or meniscal tear are common sports-related injury among adults. These are less common in skeletally immature persons and very rare in children younger than 10 years. The injuries are more common in males than females. The second peak of incidence is observed in elderly persons older than 55 years secondary to the degenerate […]
Lower Extremities
Ankle Dislocation Without Fracture
Ankle dislocation often occurs with fractures of ankle bones especially malleolar fractures and talar fractures. A significant force is required to dislocate the ankle without the fracture. There is an inherent stability of the tibiotalar joint, therefore dislocation of the ankle joint is rarely seen without an associated fracture. Usually, any dislocations that do occur […]
Fibula Fracture Presentation and Treatment
Fibula fracture occurs less commonly in isolation and more commonly occur in association with a tibia fracture. Therefore, if a displaced fibula fracture is encountered, fracture of tibia bone must be suspected and looked for. At either end of the bone, the fracture may also occur with ligament injuries. The fibula and tibia are the two […]
Corn and Callus of Foot – Causes and Treatment
A corn is a thickening of the skin due to friction and pressure that is usually intermittently occurring. Clavus is a general term covering both corn and calluses [see the difference below] The term implies the thickening results from hyperkeratosis and may result in chronic pain. Clavi [plural of cavus] are common worldwide. The most […]
Meniscal Cysts Causes, Presentation and Treatment
Meniscal cysts are characterized by a local collection of synovial fluid within or adjacent to the meniscus. They could be within the meniscus [perimeniscal cysts] or extend beyond the margins of the meniscus when they are they are termed parameniscal cysts. Meniscal cysts were first described by Ebner in 1904. Though there are no studies […]
Internal Derangement of Knee – Causes and Treatment
Internal derangement of knee is a term used for a group of disorders involving disruption of the normal functioning of the ligaments or cartilages or menisci of the knee joint. It must be stressed that it is a vague term and its use is reducing in orthopedic practice and literature. The term was more common […]
Normal Knee X-rays
The knee is an important load-bearing joint of the lower limb. Knee x-rays are done to assess the knee joint pathology. Anteroposterior and lateral views of the knee are most common knee x-rays done. Skyline view is typically used to assess patellofemoral joint and patella-condylar alignment. Knee x-rays in weight-bearing position are taken to study […]
Osteochondral Lesions of Talus
Osteochondral lesions of talus represent approximately 4% of all cases of osteochondral lesions. Previously terms like osteochondritis dessicans, transchondral talus fracture, and osteochondral talus fracture have been used to describe these lesions which involve cartilage as well as the bone of the talus. A history of trauma is documented in more than 85% of patients […]
Avascular Necrosis of Talus – Causes and Treatment
Osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis of talus bone occurs when the blood supply of talus is affected and the bone is deprived of its oxygen source. Necrosis means the death of the tissue due to ischemia. Osteonecrosis means the death of the bone tissue and both the terms are used interchangeably though their historic usage was […]
Talar Neck Fractures Causes and Management
Talar neck fractures are a most common fracture of talus and account for about 50% of the talar fractures. Talar neck fractures are high high-energy injuries which are usually caused by forced dorsiflexion with the axial load. Ipsilateral lower extremity fractures common with these fractures. Anatomy of Talus Read about anatomy of talus. Talus consists […]