The scapula, also known as the shoulder blade is a triangular, flat bone of shoulder girdle that articulates with the head of the humerus at the glenohumeral joint which is popularly called the shoulder joint, and with the lateral end of the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint. In doing so, it connects the upper limb […]
Clavicle Anatomy and Attachments
The clavicle elongated, S-shaped bone that lies horizontally between the sternum and the acromial end of the scapula. It is an important connection between the axial skeleton and the pectoral girdle. The pectoral girdle or the shoulder girdle is the term used for bones in the appendicular skeleton which connects to the arm on each […]
Upper Limb Structure and Functions
The upper limb and lower limbs were evolved basically for bearing the weight of the body and for locomotion. In quadrupeds forelimbs and hindlimbs are, therefore, built on the same basic pattern. Each limb is made up of a basal segment or girdle, and a free part divided into proximal, middle and distal segments. The […]
Cervical Spine Anatomy
The cervical spine is formed by the first seven vertebrae which are named as C1 to C7 and make the neck region of the spine. Anatomically, the cervical spine starts where the top vertebra (C1) connects to the bottom of the skull. The normal cervical spine has a lordosis. That means it is curved with […]
Spine Anatomy- Vertebral Column and Other Structures
Spine anatomy can be understood by dividing the spine into bony and soft tissue components. Spine can be divided into cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal regions. There are anatomical variations both in skeletal and nonskeletal components in all these regions. Spinal cord and the nerves coming out of spine are the neural tissue contained […]