Term shoulder pain refers to any pain that arises in or around the shoulder. The origin of the pain may be in the shoulder joint or from surrounding structures like muscles, ligaments or tendons. Shoulder pain is the third most common musculoskeletal pain after low back pain and neck pain. This kind of pain usually […]
Pain Management
Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, memory problems, allodynia, and mood alterations. Difficulty in swallowing. bowel and bladder abnormalities, paresthesia and cognitive dysfunction have also been reported to occur in some patients Symptoms may begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological […]
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial pain syndrome is caused by injury or damage to the fascia. The syndrome can cause chronic pain in muscles throughout the body. Fascia is a tough connective tissue covering muscles which when injured becomes tight and may put painful pressure on surrounding tissues. Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by the presence of trigger points, […]
Prolotherapy – Types, Mechanism and Uses
What is Prolotherapy? Prolotherapy is a procedure where the non-pharmacological and non-active irritant solution is injected into the body for the purpose of strengthening weakened connective tissue and alleviating musculoskeletal pain. Prolotherapy is claimed to repair the weakened sites and produce new fibrous tissues. Other names are Proliferation therapy Regenerative injection therapy Proliferative injection therapy […]
Faces Pain Scale – Revised and Wong Baker Pain Rating Scale
The Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) is a scale used for a self-report measure of pain intensity. This scale was developed for children and has been adapted from the Faces Pain Scale. It can also be used in adult people who are unable to use a numerical rating scale like visual analog scale. It is particularly recommended […]
Visual Analog Scale and Color Analog Scale For Pain
The visual analog scale [VAS] is a measure of pain intensity. It is a continuous scale comprised of a horizontal (called horizontal visual analog scale) or, vertical called vertical visual analog scale usually 10 cm or 100 mm in length [both gradations are used]. It is anchored by two verbal descriptors, one for each symptom […]
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Complex regional pain syndrome or CRPS is a chronic painful condition causing intense pain, usually in the arms, hands, legs, or feet that usually results after an injury to the limb though few instances have been reported in the face or genitalia too. The severity of the symptoms can range from mild to severe and […]
Trigger Point Causes, Types and Treatment
Also called a myofascial trigger point, the trigger point is a hyperirritable spot in skeletal muscle. These are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers. It is believed that palpable nodules are tiny contraction knots and a common cause of pain. Myofascial pain syndrome is a common painful muscle disorder characterized by […]
Cervical Myofascial Pain- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cervical myofascial pain is a type of myofascial pain syndrome that originates from neck muscle and surrounding fascia which becomes tight or damaged. Cervical myofascial syndrome is characterized by Stiff neck with limited range of motion Tight painful neck muscles Pain that goes to surrounding parts like head or shoulder Trigger points- Sharp small knots […]
Neck Pain Causes and Treatment
Neck pain is almost as common a complaint as low back pain. Most cases of neck pain are due to minor muscular or ligament stresses. But there could be many other causes including the serious ones. Most of the neck pain cases are short-lasting and often can be managed at home. But a chronic pain […]