Gonococcal arthritis is caused by Gonococcal bacteria, that cause sexually transmitted disease, Gonorrhoea. Gonococcal arthritis is the most common type of septic arthritis constituting 70 percent of episodes of infectious arthritis in persons under 40 years of age. Pathophysiology and Etiology The infection typically results from bacteremia arising from gonococcal infection which may be asymptomatic […]
Bacterial Arthritis Presentation and Treatment
Bacterial arthritis is infectious arthritis caused by the invasion of the joint space by bacteriae. The bacteria enters the joint from the bloodstream, from a contiguous site of infection in bone or soft tissue. In trauma, surgery or invasive procedures, the bacteria might directly be inoculated in the joint, or by direct inoculation during surgery, […]
Viral Arthritis- Types, Symptoms and Treatment
Viral arthritis is inflammation of the joints from a viral infection. Viral arthritis is less common than bacterial arthritis and often the diagnosis is made in a lesser number of patients because of because of the late presentation of this condition. Most of these arthritides of viral origin require only symptomatic treatment. In some cases, […]
Lyme Arthritis Presentation and Treatment
Lyme Arthritis is a feature of Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of bacteria and is transmitted by the tick Ixodes dammini (deer tick) or a related tick. Arthritis is the presenting manifestation in the majority of cases. The infection is endemic in certain areas of North America. The disease […]
Fungal Arthritis Causes and Treatment
Fungal arthritis is an infection of a joint by a fungus. A normal person is quite resistant to fungal infection. Fungal infection is known to be an opportunistic infection. Alteration of human flora, disruption of mucocutaneous membranes and impairment of the immune system may predispose to the fungal infection. Fungi may enter the joint by […]
Local Antibiotic Delivery To Infected Bone
Local antibiotic delivery is able to deliver high doses of local antibiotic with low risk of systemic toxicity. Bone and joint infections are localized infections and systemic antibiotics alone cannot be sufficient especially when the infected wound has poorly perfused areas or dead space. Therefore local antibiotic delivery may be required in cases of bone and […]
Drugs For Tuberculosis or Antitubercular Drugs
Antitubercular drugs or anti-TB drugs are the drugs that are used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Drugs for tuberculosis are the same for any kind of tuberculosis, be it lung tuberculosis or musculoskeletal tuberculosis. To effectively kill the bacteria and cure the disease, a combination of antitubercular drugs needs to be used. A single drug […]
Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis – Symptoms and Treatment
Musculoskeletal tuberculosis refers to tuberculosis involvement of the bones and/or joints. Musculoskeletal tuberculosis forms around 1-4% of all cases of tuberculosis. It is quite an old disease. Spine tuberculosis has been identified in Egyptian mummies dating back 9000 years. The first notable description was made by Sir Percivall Pott who described tuberculous spondylitis in 1779. […]
Tuberculous Arthritis or Tuberculosis of Joints
Tuberculous arthritis is granulomatous inflammation of the joint caused by the tuberculosis bacteriae. Mycobacterium tuberculosis os the most common pathogen. Tubercular arthritis is more common in children, though it may occur at any age. It can also be called as tubercular arthropathy. Tuberculosis of joints is a localized and destructive disease. It is generally spread […]
Tuberculosis of Spine Presentation and Treatment
Tuberculosis of spine or TB spine or spinal TB was first described by Percivall Pott, after whom it is also referred to as Pott’s disease or Pott’s spine. Tuberculosis of spine is the commonest form of skeletal tuberculosis. It constitutes about 50 percent of all cases of bone and joint TB. There are few other […]