Joint aspiration or arthrocentesis is the procedure by which joint fluid is withdrawn using a needle. The fluid withdrawn is used in diagnostic tests. Arthrocentesis could also be used for therapeutic purposes. Analysis of the joint fluid can enable the physician to differentiate between various joint pathologies. Joint aspiration is a quick, inexpensive procedure and […]
Radiofrequency Neurotomy – Indications and Procedure
A radiofrequency neurotomy is the use of radiofrequency energy mediated heat to ablate the nerve responsible for facet joint pain or sacroiliac joint pain caused by arthritis or other degenerative changes, or from an injury. Ablation if the nerve beaks the pain signals to the brain, thus eliminating pain. The term radiofrequency ablation is also […]
Thromboprophylaxis in Orthopedic Surgeries
Thromboprophylaxis stands for prophylactic measures to decrease the risk of venous thromboembolism by measures that promote venous outflow from the legs and drugs that reduce thrombosis. Venous thromboembolism which encompasses pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Thromboprophylaxis is the most effective strategy to reduce […]
Tendon Transfer Principles
Tendon transfer is used to replace the deficient motor unit and to restore function. The functional loss may occur secondary to tendon rupture, peripheral nerve injury, plexus injury or other neuropathies. In tendon transfer, a healthy functional tendon to be transferred is transected then transferred to another tendon or bone to restore function. The neurovascular […]
Epidural Steroid Injection Procedure
Epidural steroid injection, as the name implies, is a technique of injecting a steroid into the epidural space for relieving pain in the neck, arm, back, and leg, caused by inflamed spinal nerves due to spinal stenosis or disc herniation. An epidural steroid injection typically includes both a corticosteroid like methyl-prednisolone, dexamethasone or other […]
Sacroiliac Joint Injection Indications and Procedure
A sacroiliac joint injection is also called a sacroiliac joint block. It is primarily used either to diagnose or treat low back pain and/or sciatica symptoms associated with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Relevant Anatomy The sacroiliac joint is an amphiarthrodial joint, formed between the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the ilium. Interosseous ligament, the anterior […]
Selective Nerve Root Block – Indications and Applications
Selective nerve root block is similar in approach to facet joint injections but they address different pathologies. Both of these might be used in the same patient for the diagnostic purpose [to find if the pain is due to facet joint or nerve root] but as therapeutic measure, they address different issues. As in epidural […]
Facet Joint Injection- Indications and Complications
Facet joint injection is given to diagnose and treat pain originating from facet joint of spine. Facet joint are small but important joints between superior and inferior articular processes. These joints provide stability and help guide motion. These joints can become painful and cause pain in the back following arthritis of the spine, a back […]
Surgical Approaches to Acetabulum
Approaches to Acetabulum Approaches to acetabulum could be anterior approaches, posterior approaches or extensile approaches. Anterior approaches to acetabulum include Iliofemoral Approach Ilioinguinal Approach Posterior approaches to acetabulum include Kocher Langenbach Transtroachanteric Extensile approaches to acetabulum include Triradiate Transtrochanteric Extended Iliofemoral Iliofemoral Apporach to Acetabulum This approach provides access to the iliac crest and the […]
Artificial Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery
Artificial cervical disc replacement is a procedure where an artificial device inserted between two vertebrae in the neck to replace a damaged disc. The natural disc allows load compression and allows motion between the bones in the neck. Conventional surgeries aim at fusing the adjoining vertebrae as a surgical measure for cervical disc disease. The […]